Learn through hands-on environments and playful age-appropriate activities
Acquire desirable habits and develop self confidence
Use imagination to develop resourcefulness and originality
Develop self-worth and feel secure and loved through positive reinforcement

Childcare Options
Extended-Care Childcare
Extended-Care childcare is available for children ages 6 weeks to 11 years old at our Downtown Children's Center location. We are proud to be the only licensed childcare center in the area offering extended care. *Currently offered until 9pm.
Preschool Programming is included for all 3-year-olds who are at the center during normal preschool hours at no additional cost!
For more information…
If you have any questions or would like to receive a tour of the Lyons Campus or Downtown Campus, please call us at 563-242-2110 or email childrenscenter@ywcaclinton.org.
Make the Transition Easier
On that first day you bring your child to the center, you may be nervous and your child may be too. Those first days in a new place and classroom can be challenging: for you and your child. We invite you to stop by anytime to observe your child's classroom and to help make her/his adjustment to new surroundings easier.
Opportunities to help:
Volunteers are always welcome! Please call the Children's Center at 563-242-2110 to learn more about volunteering.
Childcare Rates (Weekly)
Infant (6wk - 35 mo)
Part-Time (0-25 Hours)
Full-Time (25.25-50 Hours)
Full-Time Extended (50.25+ Hours)
3-5 yr (Not Potty Trained)
Part-Time (0-25 Hours)
Full-Time (25.25-50 Hours)
Full-Time Extended (50.25+ Hours)
3-5 yr (Fully Potty Trained)
Part-Time (0-25 Hours)
Full-Time (25.25-50 Hours)
Full-Time Extended (50.25+ Hours)
School Age (K-5)
Part-Time (0-25 Hours)
Full-Time (25.25-50 Hours)
Full-Time Extended (50.25+ Hours)
If you have any questions or would like to receive a tour of the Lyons Campus or Downtown Campus, please contact us at 563-242-2110 x 204 or childrenscenter@ywcaclinton.org
Early development screening from Eastern Iowa Mental Health
Handwriting Without Tears
Creative Curriculum
Gold Standard Curriculum
ASQ: Ages and Stages Social Emotional Development Screening
Teaching Strategies Gold
Second Step: Social emotional curriculum with the inclusion of puppets
Fitness On Demand
Swimming with Certified lifeguards
Gardening - dig in the dirt and learn about creating healthy foods
3 Years Old
Days: T/Th/F
8:45 am - 11:15 am
*Some scholarships available through ECI
4 Years Old
Downtown Only
Days: M/T/Th/F
8:05 am - 11:05 am
*Free to Iowa Residents
4 Years Old
Lyons Only
Days: M/T/Th/F
12:25 pm - 3:25 pm
*Free to Iowa Residents