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YWCA Clinton Children's Center Logo

Strong Brain, Whole Child


Through the Strong Brain, Whole Child program, we are able to offer holistic care

and free family memberships for active program participants to focus on resiliency,

healthy habits, and social-emotional well-being.

Financial assistance and scholoarships available

*For qualifying families

FREE family membership for active program participants

Caregiver-guided learning programs with community partners

FREE family meal

each month


Healthy Habits

We teach the basics of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This learning encompasses various aspects of physical health, hygiene, nutrition, and safety. By instilling these habits early, children can develop a strong foundation for lifelong well-being.

Important focus on the following skills:

  • Hygiene

  • Sleep

  • Safety

  • Mental and Emotional Well-Being

Health & Wellness

Health and wellness learning focuses on teaching young children the principles and practices that contribute to a healthy and balanced life. This type of learning is designed to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Important focus on the following skills:

  • Nutrition

  • Physical Activity

  • Stress Management

  • Positive Self-Image

  • Sleep and Daily Routine

  • Understanding Illness

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We work to develop the skills necessary to understand and manage their emotions, establish positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. This learning is crucial during the early years as it lays the foundation for future social interactions, emotional well-being, and academic success.

Important focus on the following skills:

  • Self-Awareness

  • Self-Management

  • Social Awareness

  • Relationship Skills

  • Decision-Making

Family Learning

Whole family learning is an approach that involves not just the child but also their family in the educational process. This concept recognizes that a child’s development is deeply influenced by their family environment, and therefore, engaging the entire family in learning activities can enhance the child’s growth, both academically and socially.

Important focus on the following:

  • Family Engagement

  • Parent Education

  • Shared Learning Experiences

  • Home-School Connection

  • Cultural and Community Integration

  • Support Networks


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